Mom Dec. 2011

Mom Dec. 2011
Mom at Christmas

Sunday, April 29, 2012

At Every Moment we Trust

When we trust God with our whole heart,
we don't fill our prayers with "give me this" or "take this from me".  We don't even think of ourselves when we pray. 
At every moment we trust our Father in heaven,
whose love infinitely surpasses the love of all earthly fathers and who gives us more than we ourselves could ask for or even imagine.
~Isaac of Ninevah, 6th century~

Be Beautiful Within

Grant that I may become beautiful within,
and that whatever outward things I have
may be in harmony with the spirit inside me.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Let them Know, Let them Love, Let them Remember

God himself, the father and fashioner of all that is, older than the sun or sky, greater than time and eternity and all the flow of being,
is unnameable by any lawgiver, unutterable by any voice,
not to be seen by any eye.

But we, being unable to apprehend his essence, use the help of sounds and names and pictures, of beaten gold and ivory and silver, of plants and rivers, mountain peaks and torrents, yearning for the knowledge of him, and in our weakness naming all that is beautiful in this world after his nature - just as happens to earthly lovers.
To them the most beautiful sight will be the actual lineament of the beloved.  Abut for remembrance' sake they will be happy in the sight of a lyre, a little spear, a chair perhaps, or a running ground, or anything in the world that awakens the memory of the beloved.

Why should I further examine and pass judgement about images?
Let men know what is divine.  Let them know.  That is all.  If a Greek is stirred to the remembrance of God by the art of Phidias, and Egyptian by paying worship to animals, another man by a river, another by fire, I have no anger for their divergences.
Only let them know, let them love, let them remember.

Maximus of Tyre 185

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The True Name of Eternity is Today

"Today" means boundless and inexhaustible eternity.
Periods of months and years and time in general
are ideas of men, who calculate by number,
but the true name of eternity is today.

When the righteous man searches for the nature of all things,
he makes his own admirable discovery:
that everything is God's grace.
Every being in the world, and the world itself,
manifests the blessings and generosity of God.

Philo 50 BCE

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Heartbreak is a Sign that the Heart has Connected

Mama and Daddy, so young and in love.

Heartbreak is an important event in life, for it is a sign that the heart has connected, it has loved.  The worst thing would be never having loved and therefore not knowing heartbreak at all.
(Source unknown.)

If We Desire to Love God

Mom, age 4.

Mom and her mother.

If God is beyond our conception
and we desire to love him ~ we must begin
by loving everything we can conceive.
(Source unknown.)

Friday, April 20, 2012

What message are you sending?

You are all messengers of God. 
You are all sending a message to life about life
through your own life, lived.
The question is not, "Are you a messenger?" 
The question is, "What message are you sending?"
(Source unknown)

Mom, age 4, 1926

God is in all being. God is in all, being.


One who sees duality or distinction does not see God,
for God is in all being, indeed, "Being is God". 
God is always near to us, though we can wander far from God. 
God never goes far; He always remains standing near
and if He cannot remain within
He still does not go farther away than just outside the door.
God is within, but we are outside.
God is at home in us, but we are abroad.

~ Meister Eckhart ~

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Easter Story by Grandma April 1982

God made the world and all the things in it to get along and help each other for a good life.

After awhile, people seemed to be having problems, so God sent his son, Jesus, as a man to help them find ways to have better lives.  Jesus was born as a human baby, we celebrate his birthday as Christmas. 

Because God said he would send help, people had been looking for it as things got worse for them.  Because Jesus grew up as a little boy and became a man, he understood how it is with each person.  When he got old enough (33 years old) he went around the country where he was born and talked to whoever would listen, giving them ways to get along and help each other more.  He said that if you loved and treated those around you as you would like, every one would be able to get along better.

Some of the people didn't like this because even though they weren't happy with their own selfishness and desires for more, they didn't want to change.  As more and more people listened to Jesus and began to live as he advised, the selfish ones began to hate him.  They finally killed him by hanging him on a wooden cross.

Jesus had told his friends close to him that they should go teach every one they could about loving as a way to live good lives together.  He also told them that as he was going to leave them to return to his father, God, he would rise from the tomb to prove who he really was and to remain with them for awhile, teaching them more.

We celebrate this return to life at Easter time.  The Spring, when trees get new leaves and flowers and grass and flowers bloom, comes each year to remind us of the things he taught.  All the little new things, like chicks growing from eggs and baby bunnies, remind us too. 

Jesus especially loved children and is glad for them to celebrate and remember what he said about loving.  All the baby and cuddly things are easy to love, but he means us to remember about loving people especially when they may not be so lovable, just as each of us hopes those around understand and love us even when we aren't at our best.

The best part about this story is that God promised that Jesus still wants us to help us find good ways to live and grow and will put ideas and feelings inside us when we need them to help when we ask him and are quiet so we recognize them.

Now when you see Christmas and Easter celebrations around, I hope you will remember what they are for.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Warm Fuzzy Story

The Warm Fuzzy Story by Claude Steiner

Once upon a time there lived two very happy people Jim and Maggie with their two
children called John and Lucy. To understand how happy they were you have to
understand how things were in those days. You see, in those days everyone was
given, at birth a soft warm fuzzy-bag.

Anytime a person reached into their bag, they were able to pull out a warm fuzzy.
Warm fuzzies were very much in demand, because whenever someone was
given a warm fuzzy, they would feel warm and fuzzy all over. The people who didn't
get warm fuzzies regularly were in danger of developing sickness in their backs
which caused them to shrivel up and die. In those days it was very easy to get
warm fuzzies. Any time somebody felt like it, he might walk up to you and say
"I would like to have a warm fuzzy from you." You would then dip into your bag
and pull out a fuzzy the size of a little child's hand. As soon as the fuzzy came
out it would smile and blossom into a large shaggy warm fuzzy. You would then
lay it on the persons shoulder or head or lap and it would snuggle and melt right
against their skin and make them feel good all over.
People were always asking each other for warm fuzzies and since they were
always given freely, getting enough of them was never a problem.There were
always plenty to go around and as a consequence everyone was happy and felt
warm and fuzzy most of the time.
One day a bad witch became angry because everyone was happy and no-one
was buying her potions or any of her salves. The witch was very clever and she
devised a very wicked plan. One beautiful morning, she crept up to Jim while
Maggie was playing with their daughter and whispered in his ear,"Look at all
the fuzzies that Maggie is giving to Lucy. You know, if she keeps it up eventually
she is going to run out and there won't be any left for you". Jim was astonished.
There isn't a warm fuzzy in our bag every time we reach into it?" and the witch said
"No! Absolutely not and once you run out, that is it and you don't have any more."
With this she flew away on her broom laughing and cackling hysterically.
Jim took this all to heart and began to notice every time Maggie gave up a warm
fuzzy to anyone else. Eventually, he got very worried and upset because he liked
Maggie's warm fuzzies very much and did not want to give the up. He certainly
did not think it was right for Maggie to be spending all her warm fuzzies on the
children and on other people. He began to complain every time he saw Maggie
giving a warm fuzzy to somebody else and because Maggie liked him very much
and did not want him to be upset, she stopped giving warm fuzzies to other people
and reserved them for him.
The children watched what was happening to Jim and Maggie and soon began to
get the idea that it was wrong to give up warm fuzzies every time they were asked
or felt like it. They too became careful, they would watch their parents closely and
whenever they felt that one of their parents was giving too many fuzzies to others,
they began to object. They began to feel worried whenever they gave away too
many warm fuzzies, even though they found a warm fuzzy every time they reached
into their bag, and began to do so less and less and became more and more stingy.
Soon people began to notice the lack of warm fuzzies and they began to feel less
and less fuzzy. They began to shrivel up. Occasionally people would die from lack
of warm fuzzies. and salves, even though they didn't work. The situation was getting
very serious indeed. The bad witch, who had been watching all of this, didn't really
want the people to die, so she devised a new plan. The witch now gave everyone a
bag which was very similar to the fuzzy bag except that it was cold instead of being
warm like the fuzzy bag. Inside the witch bag were cold pricklies.
These cold pricklies did not make people feel warm and fuzzy but made them feel
cold and prickly instead. But they did prevent peoples backs from shriveling up, so
from then on, every time somebody said "I want a warm fuzzy", people who were
worried about depleting their supply said "we can't give you a warm fuzzy but would
you like a cold prickly?" Sometimes two people would walk up to one another
thinking they could get a warm fuzzy, but one orthe other would change their minds
and they would end up giving each other cold pricklies. What was happening now
was, that while very few people were actually dying, a lot of people were still
unhappy and feeling very cold and prickly.
The situation got very complicated because since the coming of the witch, there
were less and less warm fuzzies around, so warm fuzzies, which used to be thought
of as free as air now became very valuable. This caused people to do all sorts of
things in order to obtain warm fuzzies. Before the witch had appeared people used to
gather in groups of four or five never caring too much who was giving warm fuzzies
to whom. After the coming of the witch, people began to pair off and to reserve all
their warm fuzzies for each other exclusively. If ever one of the two persons forgot
himself and gave a warm fuzzy to someone else, he would immediately feel guilty
about it because he knew that his partner would probably resent the loss of the
warm fuzzy. People who could not find a generous partner had to buy their warm
fuzzies and had to work long hours to earn the money. Another thing which
happened was that some people would take cold pricklies which were limitless
and freely available and coat them white and fluffy and pass them off as warm
fuzzies.These counterfeit warm (really plastic) fuzzies caused additional difficulties.
For instance a few people would get together and freely exchange plastic fuzzies
which presumably should make them feel good but they came away feeling bad
from there. Since they thought they had been exchanging warm fuzzies. People
grew very confused about this, never realising that their cold prickly feelings were
really the result of the fact that they had been given a lot of plastic fuzzies. The
situation was very, very difficult and it all started because of the coming of the
wicked witch, who made people believe that someday, when least expected, they might reach into their warm fuzzy bag and find no more fuzzies. 
Not long ago a  young woman with big hips and who was born under the sign of Aquarius, came to this unhappy land. She had not heard about the witch and was not worried about running out of warm fuzzies. She gave them out freely even when not asked. They called her the hip-woman and disapproved of her because she was giving the children the idea they should not worry about running out of warm fuzzies. The children liked her very much because they felt good around her and had begun to give out warm fuzzies whenever they felt like it.
The grown-ups became very concerned and decided to pass a law to protect the children from depleting supplies of warm fuzzies.
The law made it a criminal offence to give out warm fuzzies in a reckless manner. The children however,  seemed not to care and in spit of the new law, they continued to give each other warm fuzzies whenever they felt like it and always when asked. Because there were many, many children - many more than grown-ups, it began to look as if maybe they would have their way. As of now, it is hard to say what will happen. 

Will the grown up forces of law and order stop the recklessness of the children? 

Are the grown-ups going to join with the hip-woman and the children in taking a chance that there will always be as many warm fuzzies as needed? Will they remember the days their children are trying to bring back when warm fuzzies were abundant because people gave them away freely?
 You have the opportunity to choose today
to select which bag you would like to carry around with you for the rest of your life.
When you decide, then select one of these "feelies" to live in your bag.
They are magic.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Hope is the Doorway to Belief

My mother's mother, Anna. 
My mother's father, Daniel.

Hope is the doorway to belief, belief is the doorway to knowing, knowing is the doorway to creation, and creation is the doorway to experience.
What you hope, you will eventually believe, what you believe, you will eventually know, what you know, you will eventually create, what you create, you will eventually experience, what you experience, you will eventually express, what you express, you will eventually become. This is the formula for all of life.
~ Don Neale Walsch, excerpts from "Home With God"

Worldwide "Laws" of Life

1.  As a person thinks, so is that person.
2.  Happiness stems from spiritual growth.
3.  The more love you give away, the more you will receive.
4.  It is better to give than to receive.
5.  To be forgiven we must first forgive.
6.  Thankfulness leads to having more to be thankful for.

(Source unidentified)

Patricia, daughter Kelly, granddaughter Melissa and great granddaugher Lilly 12/2006